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Crypto-descendants Revealed, a documentary series

It's a mini series of 6 episodes of approximately 45 min, where we will explore and reveal the varied practices of Jewish descendants of the Iberian Peninsula. 


The work explores what now brings people closer to the truth about their origins, or pushes them further away from the facts.


The film surveys genealogy, culinary practices, superstition, cultural folkways, Inquisitorial records and institutional barriers. 

We will visit North America, South America, Europe, Israel, Turkey and North Africa. All places that provided safe haven, at times, to the persecuted Jewish minority of the Iberian Peninsula, when the Convivencia of Al-Andalus ended.

Gran Rabino Alfredo Goldschmidt playing a popular song from the Sephardic songbook, Abraham Avinu, on his accordion. Bogota, Colombia, July 12, 2022.

We had the joy of interviewing our first guest of the documentary series!

The Chief Rabbi of Colombia Alfredo Goldschmidt is one of the most important religious authorities in Latin America, who has seen up close the phenomenon of the Bnei Anusim and the Emerging Jewish Communities in the region. His daughter Aliza Moreno-Goldschmitd, who is an authority on the subject, and is the author of an outstanding work Converts of Jewish Origin in Colonial Cartagena, which has served to deepen the investigation of the documentary.

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